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Coke v Pepsi: the coffee jar chapter

Wheelahan J has ruled that Vittoria’s[1] instant coffee jar did not infringe the registered trade mark for the shape of the Moccona instant coffee jar, TM 1599824. In some consolation for KDE, however, Wheelahan J also rejected Vittoria’s attempts to have the Moccona shape trade mark cancelled.

Moccona “shape” TM

As well as (non-)infringmenet, his Honour’s 603 paragraphs cover a kitchen sink of issues including s 41, s 59, bad faith, fraud, false suggestion or misrepresentation, non-use, authorised use and, just in case the infringement case did not succeed, misleading or deceptive conduct / passing off.

One interesting aspect of this case is that both sides relied on evidence from marketing experts and industrial designers although the industrial designers proved more useful (for the Judge) than the marketers.

The Moccona Shape TM was validly registered

To give some context to the infringement findings, it is as well to start with the attack on validity.

For the purposess of this post, I will touch on the s41 attack only.

Not inherently adapted to distinguish

Wheelahan J held that the Moccona jar had no inherent capacity to distinguish at all. However, TM 1599824 was filed on 7 January 2014 and KDE had used it so extensively that it has acquired secondary meaning so that it did in fact distinguish coffee as coming from KDE.

Although the shape was the shape of a container and, unlike Kenman Kandy, not the shape of the goods – coffee, a container for “otherwise formless goods” which was purely functional could not be adapted distinguish; there must be something “extra” about the shape. (At [258] – [259]).

The Moccona coffee jar was not purely functional: it was not a plain box, sachet, tube, tin or carton. It had relatively squat proportions, a double-tiered lid and a particularly shaped shoulder.

However, the expert evidence considered the shape was essentially a traditional jar shape. There was evidence of similarly shaped jars for other prodcts, the shape was similar to food preserving jars and at least two producers, Andronicus and Park Avenue, had used similarly shaped jars in the 1980s and 1990s.

In light of this evidence, Wheelahan J considered that the non-functional features of the Moccona jar played an aesthetic role but did not play the role of a badge of origin. At [267]:

even those features of the KDE shape mark that do play an aesthetic role still do not serve any inherently distinctive role. Rather, features such as the double-tiered lid and the shoulder of the jar serve to evoke a particular tradition, forming part of the common heritage. In other words: the KDE shape mark is both primarily functional and, to the extent that it is not functional, it draws on features of the common heritage that are not apt to distinguish the goods of any one trader.

Secondary meaning

His Honour found, however, that KDE had used the shape of the Moccona jar sufficiently that it had become distinctive in fact of KDE thereby defeating the operation of s 41(3).

A number of factors led to this conclusion.

First, there were numerous coffee jars and containers in evidence but within the diversity of shapes and sizes, the Moccona jar was distinct ([293]).

Secondly, in 1981, the then rival Andronicus brand had run an advertisement featuring an unlabelled Moccona-shaped jar to identify the expensive import which Andronicus sought to be compared to and compete with ([294] – [296]).

Thirdly, while Andronicus and Park Avenue had used jars similar to the Moccona jar in the 1980s and 1990s, there was no evidence of anyone supplying instant coffee in such a shaped jar since then – except of course “Moccona” ([297]).

Fourthly, there had been some (Cantarella described it as “limited”) television or streamed video advertising in which the jars had been depicted without any labelling.[2] The “Moccona” trade mark did appear at various points in the advertisements, sometimes in close proximity to the jars, but not actually on the jars themselves. For example, Wheelahan J explained of one advertisment in the course of rejecting the non-use attack (at [352]):

6 Moccona coffee jars without labels above the Moccona logo
Unlabelled Moccona coffee jars

The “Dec Jar 2022” video, which related to the “Be Inspired” range of limited-edition Moccona glass jars, is striking. This video — which, I have already noted, has been viewed more than one million times — shows six unlabelled Moccona jars together and individually. The video never shows the jars with a Moccona label. While the Moccona logo does appear at certain points, this video illustrates clearly how the applicants have deployed the shape of the jar as a trade mark. It was accepted that the actual jars depicted, when sold in supermarkets, did bear Moccona labels. The fact that the applicants chose to advertise the jars without the Moccona labels, however, indicates that the jar was being used as a device that, in and of itself, marked out the coffee within the jars as Moccona coffee. The Moccona logo appearing in the advertisement was relatively small, and was not dominant when compared with the jars. Viewed objectively, this video is an instance of the KDE shape mark being used as a device indicating the origin of the coffee contained within the jars, and thus as a trade mark.

Returning to the question of acquired distinctiveness, his Honour concluded at [306]:

…. But from when the Andronicus advertisement was broadcast in 1981, the applicants developed a significant association between their coffee products and the jar shape in which those products were sold. In the two decades immediately preceding the priority date, there were no competitors using jars that were apt to detract from the effectiveness of this use as a badge of origin. That provides the context in which the advertisements described above must be understood. Especially by means of those advertisements, which I find to have been extensive given the amount of revenue spent on advertising that was the subject of confidential evidence, the applicants clearly deployed the KDE shape mark as a badge of origin in the last decade before the priority date. In all of the circumstances, I consider that this amounted to such significant use of the KDE shape mark as a badge of origin before the priority date as to satisfy the test of use under s 41(3)(b).

The confidentiality of the advertising expenditure figures makes it a bit difficult to assess the extent of use. Also, by my count, there were 14 TVCs / YouTube videos of which 4 or possibly 5 were before the priority date. Four of those 5 were shown in free-to-air and pay TV (presumably reaching national audiences); the fifth in 2014 was shown to have had 19,000 views. Some of the later videos were shown to have hundreds of thousands of views and even millions.[3]

Authorised use

Cantarella argued that KDE could not rely on the advertising in Australia as that advertising was produced and run by JDE Australia. JDE Australia was not a subsidiary of KDE (nor KDE, a Netherlands company) of JDE Australia. Both, however, were subsidiaries of the same ultimate parent company.

Wheelahan J found that JDE Australia’s use was nonetheless use under KDE’s control and so qualified as authorised use.

First, the evidence showed that the coffee sold in Australia had been manufactured in a factory in the Netherlands by JDE Netherlands. JDE Netherlands sold the coffee in the jars to JDE Australia. JDE Netherlands was a wholly-owned subsidiary of KDE and both shared the same address. In these circumstances, Wheelahan J at [322] was willing to infer JDE Netherlands made and sold the coffee under KDE’s control.

Cantarella argued there was no evidence that the glass jars themselves had been manufactured under KDE’s control. Wheelahan J considered this was not necessary. At [323]:

…. The question posed by s 8(3) is whether “the owner of a trade mark exercises quality control over goods or services” in relation to which a trade mark is used. Having regard to the registration of the KDE shape mark in this case, s 8(3) will be satisfied if KDE exercised quality control over the coffee or instant coffee in relation to which the shape mark was used. It is not to the point whether KDE oversaw the manufacture of the glass jars in which the coffee was sold.

I am not sure I would be willing to advise a client not to control the manner of use of the trade mark as well as the quality of the goods or services being provided. Although one might expect in this situation it was fairly safe to assume KDE was not letting JDE Netherlands send out coffee in cracked or otherwise deficient jars.

In any event, Wheelahan J also found a second basis for finding quality control. Cantarella pointed to the fact that, unlike Trident Seafoods, KDE and JDE Australia did not have common directors.

Wheelahan J accepted at [331] that common directors was one of three key considerations in the Trident Seafoods court finding a “unity of purpose” between the user and the trade mark owner. It was a significant, but not determinative, factor. His Honour considered that the principle emerging from Trident Seafoods was that “unity of purpose” would be indicative of actual control by the trade mark owner over use of the mark. Whether sufficient “unity of purpose” could be inferred will vary from the circumstances of individual cases.

In addition to the two companies both being members of the same corporate group, JDE Australia was a wholly-owned subsidiary of DE Investments. During the relevant non-use period, DE Investments and JDE Australia did share some directors.

Moreover, DE Investments and KDE had entered into a licence agreement as a result of which JDE Australia was required to comply with KDE’s “brand guidelines” and, further, to obtain KDE’s approval before introducing “any new key communication asset in Australia”. At [335], Wheelahan J found KDE did in fact exercise actual control over the advertising used by JDE Australia.

As a result, Wheelahan J found that KDE, DE Investments and JDE Australia shared a common purpose of deploying KDE’s intellectual property for the purposes of the global group.

Unless you’re acting for someone being sued by such a global tentacle, we can all with respect breathe a sigh of relief.

Infringement – or not

While Wheelahan J rejected Cantarella’s wide-ranging attacks on the validit of KDE’s registered trade mark, his Honour found Cantarella’s Vittoria jar did not infringe.

First, his Honour held that the Vittoria jar was not actually used as a trade mark.

The jar itself was relatively plain, in contrast to the Moccona jar, and for that reason less likely to draw attention. Moreover, there was no evidence of Cantarella advertising its products in unbranded jars.

And, while the use of the Vittoria logo was necessarily smaller than the jar itself, his Honour considered the Vittoria logo served the trade mark function, in some cases “swamping” any possibility that the jar would be seen as a trade mark.

An advertisement for Vittoria coffee

As his Honour explained at [463] of this advertisement:

…. the overall impression I gain from this advertisement is of a Vittoria-branded product that is packaged in a particular jar. Without more, featuring a product in its packaging as part of an advertisement does not constitute trade mark use. Nothing about the advertisement is apt to suggest to a viewer that Vittoria coffee can be distinguished from the coffee of other traders by the relatively plain shape of the jar alone. ….

Similarly, at [475] the overall appearance of the aisle fins featuring the Vittoria product including the fact that the whole product was displayed, the plainness of the jar and the prominence of other branding elements led his Honour to distinguish RB Hygeine on its facts.

Aisle fin for Vittoria coffee

Secondly, while Wheelahan J accepted KDE’s argument that purchasers of instant coffee do not spend a long time deciding which products to buy, his Honour considered at [496] (and [502]) that there was no “real, tangible risk that a notional buyer, with a recollection only of the KDE shape mark’s rough proportions and general shape, would be perplexed, mixed up, caused to wonder, or left in doubt, about whether instant coffee sold in the Cantarella jar shape has the same commercial source as coffee sold in the KDE shape mark.”

Wheelahan J considered that a notional consumer would recall three core features of the Moccona jar: its overall proportions being a fairly squat body sitting beneath a slowing sloping should and lid; the body being roughly two thirds of the overall height. Secondly, the shape of the shoulder and the neck. Thirdly, the height of the lid.

In contrast, Cantarella’s jar had a much taller body compared to its width; the shoulder was quite rounded and involved very little height and the lid appeared as a single, flat disk wider than the neck. At [502]:

The buyer would view the Cantarella jar shape as noticeably taller in its proportions, with a compressed neck section, and a plain, low lid. Even with the imperfect recollection outlined above, there is no real risk that a buyer could confuse the Cantarella jar shape, in view of its distinct visual impression, with the KDE shape mark.

A short comment on the evidence of the marketing experts

At [187], Wheelahan J recorded that he did not find the evidence of the marketing experts of much assistance. This was essentially because the experts addressed (and had been asked by the parties to address) marketing concepts rather than the legal concepts related to trade mark use.

In the case of Prof. O’Sullivan (called by JDE), this was because his evidence was directed to “diagnostic cues”; features used by consumers to identify something or distinguish it from something else. Wheelahan J considered this did not address whether the features the Professor identified functioned as a “badge of origin”. As his Honour explained by way of an example at [190]:

For example, if only one producer of instant coffee were to market a 750-gram jar, consumers could successfully rely on the size of the jar as a “diagnostic cue” for identifying that producer’s coffee. But, without more, nothing about this example suggests that the size of the jar is being used as a badge of origin. In this way, the concepts deployed by Professor O’Sullivan were too broad to answer the narrower question the Court must confront.

On the other hand, Vittoria’s Mr Blanket addressed questions about “the core elements of a brand” rather than whether some feature was being used as a trade mark. Wheelahan J explained at [191]:

…. He seemed to suggest that a feature will not amount to a core element of a brand, or perhaps even a brand element at all, if the feature does not appear consistently in relation to the entire range of products within the brand, or if it is not necessary for consumers to use for the purposes of identifying products within that brand. During cross-examination, examples were given of the Coca-Cola bottle and the triangular prism involved in the Toblerone packaging. Mr Blanket appeared to suggest that the bottle and packaging would not amount to core brand elements because some Coca-Cola and Toblerone products are sold without them. ….

Wheelahan J also considered that “certain aspects” of the experts’ evidence were not persuasive, even in their own terms.

Thirdly, Wheelahan J considered the marketing experts’ evidence did “not provide great assistance” as it was directed the to “jury issues” which were ultimately matters for the Court to decide.

Given the expense of deploying marketing evidence, very careful thought indeed needs to be given to its desirability and how it can be made useful

Koninklijke Douwe Egberts BV v Cantarella Bros Pty Ltd [2024] FCA 1277

ps For Coke v Pepsi via here

  1. Formally, Cantarella Bros of course.  ?
  2. The advertisements and stills extracted from them are discussed at [45] – [88]. Unlike the YouTube video in Motherland, KDE’s evidence included evidence of broadcast on Australian TV or “views” by Australian consumers.  ?
  3. 2008 (TVC), 2010 (FTA and pay), 2011 (broadcast), 2012 (broadcast), 2014 (19,000 views), 2018 (440,000 views), 2018 (500 views), 2020 (1500 views), 2020 (2.4 million views), 2021 (32,000 views), 2021 (460,000 views), 2021 (160,000 views), 2022 (+1 million views).  ?

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Coke v Pepsi – “second” look

Last week, Besanko J dismissed Coca-Cola Co’s claims that PepsiCo’s “Carolina” bottle shape infringed Coke’s trade marks, and was passing off and misleading or deceptive conduct.

Contour v Carolina

Some background

Coca-Cola Co relied on four trade marks: TM Nos 63697, 767355, 1160893 and 1160894 registered in class 32 for non-alcoholic beverages. The first two might be thought of as 2D representations of the shape of Coca-Cola Co’s “Contour” bottle, which has been in use in Australia since 1938.


The second two were essentially the silhouette of the bottle; one image in white, the other in black.


PepsiCo had introduced its Carolina bottle shape into Australia in August 2007 on a very small scale. It seems not to have been on the market at all between May 2008 and February 2009, when it was reintroduced on a larger, but still small scale. The Carolina bottle shape had apparently not been the subject of any advertising or promotion. At the time when PepsiCo introduced the Carolina bottle, there were 4, perhaps 6, other bottles used for soft drinks in the market with “waists of varying degrees” so the Contour bottle was not unique in that respect.

The trade mark infringement claims

Besanko J found that PepsiCo was using the Carolina bottle shape as a trade mark, but did not infringe because it was not deceptively similar to Coca-Cola Co’s trade marks.

In deciding that PepsiCo was using the overall shape of the Carolina bottle as a trade mark, Besanko J noted that the relevant goods were the beveage, a formless substance, and the bottle was just a container. So, the cases like Philips v Remington where the shape was the shape of the goods themselves did not apply. At [213], his Honour found that the shape was distinctive and intended to be so.

Besanko J was not prepared to find, however, that PepsiCo used the silhouette of the Carolina bottle as a trade mark. A number of factors played into this conclusion. His Honour accepted that the outline or shape of the bottle may be one of the first things seen by a consumer from a distance. However, that was not enough in itself. Among the factors that led to the finding, his Honour noted at [215]:

…. All bottles have an outline or silhouette and the fact that a bottle has a waist is not so extraordinary as to lead to the conclusion that that feature alone is being used as a trade mark.

and at [216]:

…. the outline or silhouette of the Carolina Bottle is likely to become less important in the consumer’s mind as he or she approaches the refrigerator or cooler and focuses on word marks, logos, and brands. As I have said, the fact that an aspect of a product may be seen at one point does not lead to the conclusion that consumers would see it as a badge of origin.

deceptive similarity

Besanko J agreed with the Full Court’s analysis of the shape depicted in TM Nos 63697 and 767355:

  • the sides of the bottle are curved rather than flat;
  • there is fluting on the top and lower portions of the bottle and no fluting in a central section;
  • the top and lower portions of the bottle have the same number of flutes; and
  • the bottle has a flat base and banded neck.

In contrast, PepsiCo’s Carolina bottle did not have flutes or the clear band; it had a horizontal “wave” feature and its waist was both more gradual and extended higher up the bottle. These differences at [235] were “significant”.

At [240], his Honour rejected Coca-Cola Co’s argument that the overall impression consumers would take away from the Carolina bottle was of “a bottle having a low waisted contoured shape”. Instead:

I do not accept that that is the view which would be held by the ordinary consumer. In my opinion, the waist, the horizontal wave feature, and, to a lesser extent, the frustoconical neck are the significant features of the Carolina Bottle.

Besanko J was not prepared to find that outline or silhouette of the bottle was the essential feature of thes trade marks. Rather, the vertical flutes and the clear belt band were as prominent. At [238]:

…. It cannot be said, for example, that a bottle with a waist is so extraordinary, or a bottle with vertical flutes and a clear belt band so common, that the outline or silhouette should be considered the essential feature.

However, Besanko J also found that the Carolina bottle was not deceptively similar to the silhouette marks represented in TM Nos 1160893 and 1160894. His Honour found that the Carolina bottle was distinctive in itself and, therefore, not deceptively similar. So, at [247], his Honour said:

Even if the outline or silhouette is the only feature of the marks, or is the essential idea of the marks, the comparison is with the sign the alleged infringer has used as a trade mark. In this case, I have found that is the whole shape of the Carolina Bottle. The following are the distinctive features of the Carolina Bottle which I think are distinctive but are not part of the registered marks:

(1) the Carolina Bottle has a gently curving waist at a higher point than that in the marks and does not have an abrupt pinch near the base;

(2) the Carolina Bottle has a cylindrical shoulder, not a curved shoulder;

(3) the Carolina Bottle has a frustoconical neck, not a curved neck;

(4) the Carolina Bottle has a twist top enclosure, not a cap lid seal; and

(5) the Carolina Bottle has a distinctive horizontal embossed wave pattern across the bottom half of the bottle.

Then, at [248], his Honour pointed out that the first 4 factors related to the silhouette and “it seems to me … the outline or silhouette of the Carolina Bottle would not be deceptively similar to either [trade mark].”

I am not at all sure, with respect, that the question is whether the accused sign is distinctive in its own right. Perhaps this means that, in a market where there are other low waisted bottles, the differences were sufficiently important that consumers would not be caused to wonder whether there was a connection with the trade mark owner.

Passing off / misleading or deceptive conduct

On this part of the case, Besanko J thought it was difficult to see why the ordinary consumer would not make his or her purchase on the basis of the [famous] brand names, device marks or logos. However, “not without some hesitation”, his Honour was prepared to find at [270] that a sufficient number of consumers who select a bottle from the store’s refrigerated drinks cabinet themselves “may well make their selection based on overall bottle shape” as a result of their minimal involvement in the purchase.

There was no likelihood of deception or confusion, however, as the shape of the bottles was too different. At [271]:

The difficulty for [Coca-Cola Co] is that, even accepting that and accepting that both bottles will contain dark brown cola and be sold within a similar, if not the same, context, I do not think that such a consumer would be misled or deceived, or would be likely to be misled or deceived, in the case of overall bottle shape because I think he or she would detect quite clearly the difference between the Contour Bottle and the Carolina Bottle. The most noticeable difference between the two bottles is that the Contour Bottle has the very distinctive fluting and the Carolina Bottle has the distinctive horizontal waves. Other noticeable features are the different shaped neck and shoulders and the fact that the waist on the Contour Bottle is lower and more pinched. In other words, if overall bottle shape is the cue, I do not think that there is any real likelihood of deception.

The role of intention

On all 3 aspects of the case, Coca-Cola Co contended that PepsiCo had intentionally designed the Carolina bottle to take advantage of the reputation in the Contour bottle. While Besanko J noted there were features of the relevant PepsiCo executive’s evidence “which caused me to scrutinise it carefully”, his Honour was not prepared to find an intention to deceive or cause confusion.

In any event, Besanko J did not think the resemblance of the Carolina bottle to the Contour shape was sufficiently close for PepsiCo’s intentions to lead to findings of infringement, passing off or misleading or deceptive conduct.

Coca Cola Company v PepsiCo Inc (No 2) [2014] FCA 1287

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Coke v Pepsi

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Coke v Pepsi

The war between Coke and Pepsi over the shape of a bottle is alive and well.

Last week the parties were in court fighting over discovery.

By the tie of the hearing what was actually in dispute was quite narrow. In the end, Dodds-Streeton J ruled that Coca Cola should be allowed to get discovery amongst other things from Schweppes, Pepsi’s bottler in Australia, relating to whether or not Schweppes had sought any indemnities from Pepsi, either before or after the proceedings commenced. Schweppes et al. conceded discovery relating to any request before proceedings commenced.

It was argued that such discovery was potentially relevant to the respondents’ state of mind on the basis of the Australian Woollen Mills‘ principle that a defendant who tries to pass off is giving a sort of expert evidence that deception or confusion can be expected.

Given the concession that discovery directed to requests before proceedings commenced and there was no suggestion that the further discovery was oppressive, Dodds-Streeton J considered that discovery of any requests made after proceedings were commenced was appropriate as:

in passing off and s 52 actions, the applicant’s reputation is to be assessed at the date of the conduct complained of. As Gummow J explained in Thai World Import & Export Co Ltd & Anor v Shuey Shing Pty Ltd & Ors (1989) 17 IPR 289 at 302, that principle reflects that the reputation is not to be taken to be eroded by infringing activities which occurred before proceedings are instituted.

Other cases appeared to consider that the relevant time in (what used to be called) s 52 actions was still unresolved, but in passing off the relevant time was when the respondent commenced its conduct. (See e.g. Playcorp v bodum [54] to [62]).

Dodds-Streeton J’s reason provide a fair bit more detail about the nature of Coca-Cola’s claims; not so much about Pepsi’s defence, although apparently it had been using its “new” bottle shape since 2007 (that of course would still be well within the 6 year limitation periods).

The orders may also provide you with a useful starting point for discovery requests:

Coca-Cola Company v Pepsico Inc [2011] FCA 1069

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Coke, Pepsi and the shape of the bottle

Newspaper reports that Coca Cola has sued Pepsico and its Australian licensee, Schweppes, over the shape of the new Pepsi bottle.

The print edition had a photo, but not online. You can go down to your local 7 Eleven or compare for yourself:

Coke 'contour' and Pepsi's new bottle

The press report doesn’t say whether the action is over a registered “shape” trade mark, passing off/TPA or both. But, we know Coke has them:

TM 877676

So, if it goes to trial we may well find out what you can do with a shape trade mark.

The newspaper report quotes Matthew Hall asking who is going to buy a bottle of Pepsi in mistake for a Coke.

Fair question but, if there is a registered trade mark for the shape (without Coke plastered all over it, unlike e.g. TM 1057210) and the bottle itself is used as a trade mark, the presence of the Pepsi logo should be irrelevant.

Further, what role will “intention” play here? In particular, why did Pepsi change the shape of their bottle?

Pepsi apparently introduced the new bottle shape in May this year. Here’s an interesting mash-up which shows you the “old” bottle’s silhouette compared to the Coke bottle.

Here’s what the Full Court had to say in the All-fect case:

25 The confectionary has three features that are not descriptive of the goods. They are the silhouette, the fluting at the top and bottom, and the label band. It is not necessary for the respondent to adopt any of those features in order to inform consumers that its product is a cola flavoured sweet. It could do so by using the cola colour, the word COLA and the shape of an ordinary straight-walled bottle. The silhouette, fluting and band are striking features of the confectionary, and are apt to distinguish it from the goods of other traders. The primary function performed by these features is to distinguish the goods from others. That is to use those features as a mark. It is true, as the respondent said, that the fact that a feature is not descriptive of goods does not necessarily establish that it is used to distinguish or differentiate them. But in the present case we are compelled to the conclusion that the non-descriptive features have been put there to make the goods more arresting of appearance and more attractive, and thus to distinguish them from the goods of other traders.

While that was observed in the context of “contour” bottle shaped confectionery, things could get a bit sticky for Pepsi here.

As a side note: an interesting timeline comparing the Pepsi word and logo marks against the Coke history.

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Motherland, Mothersky and Mother

The Full Court has allowed Energy Beverages’ (EB) appeal opposing Canteralla’s registration of MOTHER as a trade mark for coffee and related products. However, the Full Court rejected EB’s appeal against the removal of its MOTHERLAND trade mark for non-use. In the process, the Full Court provided helpful clarification of the role of Trade Marks Act s44(3)(b) “other circumstances”.

Some background

Cantarella applied to register MOTHERSKY in class 30 in respect of coffee, coffee beans and chocolate, coffee beverages and chocolate beverages and in class 41 in respect of coffee roasting and coffee grinding (TMA 1819816).

EB – the producer and distributor of the MOTHER energy drink – opposed, relying on its prior registered trade marks for MOTHERLAND (TM 1345404), MOTHER LOADED ICED COFFEE (TM 1408011) and MOTHER (TM 1230388) all registered, amongst other things, for non-alcoholic beverages.

Cantarella countered by seeking the removal of the MOTHERLAND and MOTHER LOADED ICED COFFEE marks for non-use under s 92 and deleting coffee beverages and chocolate beverages from its specification of goods.

The delegate ordered removal of MOTHERLAND (here) and MOTHER LOADED ICED COFFEE (here) from the Register for non-use. The delegate also dismissed EB’s opposition to the registration of MOTHERSKY. On appeal, the primary Judge upheld the delegates’ decisions.

EB sought leave to appeal the decisions in respect of MOTHERLAND and allowing the registration of MOTHERSKY. The Full Court refused leave to appeal the MOTHERLAND decision but allowed leave and upheld the appeal against registration of MOTHERSKY.[1]


At [61], the Full Court quoted the well settled principles for trade mark use from Nature’s Blend:

(1) Use as a trade mark is use of the mark as a “badge of origin”, a sign used to distinguish goods dealt with in the course of trade by a person from goods so dealt with by someone else: Coca-Cola Co v All-Fect Distributors Ltd (1999) 96 FCR 107 at 19; E & J Gallo Winery v Lion Nathan Australia Pty Ltd (2010) 265 ALR 645 at [43] (Lion Nathan).

(2) A mark may contain descriptive elements but still be a “badge of origin”: Johnson & Johnson Aust Pty Ltd v Sterling Pharmaceuticals Pty Ltd (1991) 30 FCR 326 at 347–8; 101 ALR 700 at 723; 21 IPR 1 at 24 (Johnson & Johnson); Pepsico Australia Pty Ltd v Kettle Chip Co Pty Ltd (1996) 135 ALR 192; 33 IPR 161; Aldi Stores Ltd Partnership v Frito-Lay Trading GmbH (2001) 190 ALR 185; 54 IPR 344; [2001] FCA 1874 at [60] (Aldi Stores).

(3) The appropriate question to ask is whether the impugned words would appear to consumers as possessing the character of the brand: Shell Company of Australia Ltd v Esso Standard Oil (Australia) Ltd (1963) 109 CLR 407 at 422; [1963] ALR 634 at 636; 1B IPR 523 at 532 (Shell Co).

(4) The purpose and nature of the impugned use is the relevant inquiry in answering the question whether the use complained of is use “as a trade mark”: Johnson & Johnson at FCR 347; ALR 723; IPR 24 per Gummow J; Shell Co at CLR 422; ALR 636; IPR 532.

(5) Consideration of the totality of the packaging, including the way in which the words are displayed in relation to the goods and the existence of a label of a clear and dominant brand, are relevant in determining the purpose and nature (or “context”) of the impugned words: Johnson & Johnson at FCR 347; ALR 723; IPR 24; Anheuser-Busch Inc v Budejovicky Budvar (2002) 56 IPR 182; [2002] FCA 390 (Anheuser-Busch).

(6) In determining the nature and purpose of the impugned words, the court must ask what a person looking at the label would see and take from it: Anheuser-Busch at [186] and the authorities there cited.

The problem for EB was that its product is the energy drink MOTHER and its uses of MOTHERLAND focused on it being a fictional fantasyland tailored to “MOTHER-drinking” consumers.

An example of its use, taken from one of two commercials using MOTHERLAND, is:

Another example of use – the description in the “About Us” page of EB’s YouTube channel was “Welcome to MOTHERland”.

The Full Court considered that EB used only MOTHER as a trade mark in respect of energy drinks; MOTHERLAND was just used as the name of the fictional theme park and no more. Accepting that there could be more than one trade mark used in relation to a product, in context MOTHERLAND was not being used as a trade mark to indicate the trade source of the drink. At [67] – [68]:

The depiction of MOTHERLAND in the commercial with the prominent MOTHER in the well-known gothic script representation in contradistinction to LAND, appended in plain red font, emphasises the use of the distinctive gothic script MOTHER mark as the only mark possessing the character of a brand. MOTHERLAND was the name of the fictional theme park, and no more.

The presence of the dominant gothic script MOTHER mark each time MOTHERLAND appears in the commercial, including as the central part of the mark itself, is part of the context relevant to the assessment of the role of MOTHERLAND: Anheuser at [191]. The focus on the well-known gothic script MOTHER, including as part of MOTHERLAND, supports the conclusion that the gothic script MOTHER is the only mark being used to distinguish the MOTHER energy drinks in the commercial from the energy drinks of others.

There was a further problem with reliance on the commercials. The commercials had been run on television well before the non-use period. The commercials had also remained publicly available during the non-use period as they had been uploaded to EB’s YouTube and Facebook pages. There was no evidence, however, that anyone in Australia had accessed the commercials on either site. At [76], the Full Court explained:

Under existing authority, which has not been challenged in the present application, the mere uploading of trade mark content on a website outside Australia is not sufficient to constitute use of the trade mark in Australia …

citing Ward Group Pty Ltd v Brodie & Stone plc [2005] FCA 471; 143 FCR 479; Sports Warehouse Inc v Fry Consulting Pty Ltd [2010] FCA 664; 186 FCR 519; Christian v Societe Des Produits Nestle SA (No 2) [2015] FCAFC 153; 327 ALR 630.

Consequently, EB failed to demonstrate that the primary judge’s order to remove MOTHERLAND for non-use in respect of non-alcoholic beverages etc. was attended by sufficient doubt to warrant leave being granted to appeal.


Despite the deletion of coffee beverages from Cantarella’s specification of goods, both parties conducted the proceedings on the basis that “coffee” included coffee beverages, not just the product of the coffee plant or coffee beans.

In contrast to the MOTHERLAND proceeding, the Full Court found that the primary judge made two material errors. First, his Honour had examined whether coffee beverages were similar goods to energy drinks and the powders and syrups for bottling energy drinks and concluded that the respective products had fundamentally different taste and flavour and were presented for sale and consumed in different circumstances.

This was in error. Section 44(1) calls for comparison of Cantarella’s “coffee” across the full scope of its normal and fair meaning to the full scope of EB’s specification. The correct comparison therefore was between “coffee” and “non-alcoholic beverages”.

Given the way the case had been conducted, the Full Court had little difficulty concluding that coffee beverages were “non-alcoholic beverages” within the scope of EB’s registration.

The fact that coffee as a beverage was classified in class 30 and not class 32 was a matter of administrative convenience and, at [132], irrelevant given Cantarella contended “coffee” covered “coffee beverages”.

Further, contrary to the primary judge’s approach, Cantarella’s claim for “coffee beverages” was not limited to “pure” coffee but extended across a range of beverages. Cantarella argued that coffee beverage did not include coffee flavoured milk. The Full Court accepted at [129] that there may be “a penumbra of uncertainty” about when a coffee flavoured beverage is not “coffee”. Treating “coffee” as meaning “coffee beverage”, however, at [128]:

there is nothing in the specification, so construed, which would limit the meaning of “coffee” to any particular coffee beverage or to any particular kind or type of coffee beverage. For example, there is nothing to limit “coffee” to black coffee as opposed to white coffee or coffee made with milk. There is nothing to limit “coffee” to coffee that does not include some additive such as, for example, a flavoured syrup. Further, there is nothing to limit “coffee” to a hot beverage or a freshly-brewed beverage as opposed to a cold or iced beverage. Further still, there is nothing to limit “coffee” to coffee produced by a particular process or prepared in a particular way, or to coffee packaged and promoted in a particular way. There are many permutations of what constitutes “coffee” as a beverage. Thus, coffee beverages cover a range of goods.

Further still, there was a sufficient body of evidence demonstrating that, at the priority date of the MOTHERSKY application, drinks such as pre-packaged iced coffee were regarded in the trade as non-alcoholic beverages and, further, of overlap between the trade channels through which coffee beverages and energy drinks were marketed and sold.

Secondly, the Full Court considered the primary judge materially erred when undertaking the deceptive similarity comparison.

The Full Court recognised that the comparison the test of deceptive similarity called for involved matters of judgment and degree about which opinions could reasonably differ. In the absence of legal error, mere difference of opinion was not enough. In undertaking the comparison, however, the primary judge’s assessment was heavily coloured by his Honour’s conclusion that “coffee beverages” and the goods covered by EB’s MOTHER registration were not the same or even of the same description.

Further, the primary judge erred by comparing only the specific way Cantarella actually used its trade mark with the specific way EB used its mark rather than comparing how notionally the competing marks could fairly be used across their full scope.

Undertaking the comparison themselves, the Full Court concluded that MOTHERSKY was deceptively similar to MOTHER.

First, at [167], while “mother” is a commonly used English word, it is not in any way descriptive of “non-alcoholic beverages” and was inherently distinctive of such goods. This was of considerable importance in the assessment. (emphasis supplied)

Secondly, at [168], “mother” was wholly incorporated in MOTHERSKY and did not lose its identify merely by the addition of “sky”.

Thirdly, at [169] to [170], “sky” did not have a well-understood meaning when added to “mother”. It might for example be understood according to its ordinary signification. Or it might be treated as some sort of playful variant or as creating a diminutive of “mother”. The Full Court considered that “mother” remained the dominanting element and, consequently, the likelihood of confusion arose.

As a result, s 44(1) operated to preclude registration of MOTHERSKY in the face of EB’s MOTHER registration for non-alcoholic beverages.

Other circumstances

It is well established that the registrability of a trade mark application falls to be determined at the date of the application.

Cantarella’s tactic of applying to clear the way for its MOTHERSKY application by removing EB’s blocking registrations for non-use is also long-standing although, of course, as at the date of the MOTHERSKY application, EB’s registrations were still in the way – removal for non-use being prospective, not retrospective.

At [176] – [178], however, the Full Court endorsed the Registrar’s practice (albeit by way of obiter dicta) of allowing an application to proceed to registration if the blocking citation was removed for non-use as “other circumstances” for the purposes of s44(3)(b). There would be “something perverse” in testing the registrability of the application against a mark which will be removed from the Register.

It is understood that an application for special leave to appeal to the High Court has been filed.

Energy Beverages LLC v Cantarella Bros Pty Ltd [2023] FCAFC 44 (Yates, Stewart and Rofe JJ)

  1. Leave to appeal being required under s 195(2) and so EB needed to persuade the Full Court that “(a) whether, in all the circumstances, the decision below is attended with sufficient doubt to warrant it being considered by a Full Court; and (b) whether substantial injustice would result if leave were refused, supposing the decision to be wrong.” citing Decor Corp Pty Ltd v Dart Industries Inc (1991) 33 FCR 397 at 398 – 399 and Primary Health Care Ltd v Commonwealth [2017] FCAFC 174; 260 FCR 359 at [206].  ?

Motherland, Mothersky and Mother Read More »

ECJ’s first case on Registered Community Design

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On the Contour of things

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A different Chrome IP issue

For those of you wondering what Google Chrome is all about, David Pogue does an excellent review and Google, of course, has pretty good explanatory materials including a comic.

Something your brand owners may want to start thinking about is the new monoline address/search bar: you type in a word and Chrome starts suggesting a range of alternatives.  See an example and watch the video here.

Nothing to worry about, perhaps, if you type in coke and get taken here but what happens if the top suggestion takes you here (takes forever to load)?

This brings up the trade mark/IP issues Marty Schwimmer spotted emerging in Japan here.

Oh, that other, EULA issue here, there and everywhere else too.

A different Chrome IP issue Read More »

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