Ernie the Attorney posts an interesting review of “Free the Market” by Gary L. Reback, apparently the principal Government lawyer behind the Justice Department’s anti-trust law suit against Microsoft.
The key question posed by the book is this: do we need better government regulation of the tech sector? Also: is the current state of technology development such that we need to re-examine how we use antitrust law to regulate it? These are important questions, and Reback does a great job of laying the groundwork for understanding these questions.
Fishpond’s price is AUD$36.69, which is not bad. If you do a search of the book on, you’ll see quite a number of bookshops are prepared to sell it for between US$6.60 and, say, US$20. That’s the new price, not just for used ones. The cheapest ones are mostly through Amazon. But, here’s the thing, none of them will sell them to Australia. You get a nice notice telling you that customs restrictions or somethings preclude the sale.
Customs restrictions?