- RT @pofip: ACCC warns about questionable trade mark renewals http://bit.ly/4l8aO1 Our list is here:http://bit.ly/hnznh
- @nipper: Podcast debate on SCOTUS granting cert in Bilski (patent) case: http://bit.ly/1c4oaw
- wrothnie ACIP interim report on post grant patent enforcement strategies. Comments by 20 Sep 2009. 4 copy contact Jackie Carroll http://bit.ly/IoZcZ
- RT @TrademarkBlog: Link to text of Superman Decision: Creator’s Heirs Win Rights to Early Storieshttp://bit.ly/fTO00
- wrothnie Seminar: 27 August 2009: Copyright Responsibility on the Internet – in Three Acts — Copyright Society of Australia http://ff.im/-6VzLD
- wrothnie IPKat – news and fun for everyone!: Global IP law: two recent publications http://ff.im/-6UKjl
- RT @joshgans: Build a higher paywall for newspapers. Excellent article. Wrong but excellent.http://bit.ly/12kG13
- DCCA Opinion No. 07-CV-159: Solers, Inc. v. John Doe – subpoena to identify poster http://ff.im/-6VSN5
- RT @ipgossip: Francis Gurry, Dir. Gen. of WIPO is Australian, a good listener & does yoga daily. Read more about him: http://bit.ly/HICsX
- RT @LexMonitor: RT @ALI__ABA: Who Represents America’s Biggest Companies … and How http://bit.ly/vtBNh