I am a barrister practising mainly in intellectual property, trade practices, telecommunications and general commercial law in Australia including:
•infringement and validity actions – patents, trade marks, registered designs
•seeking and defending interlocutory injunction applications;
•representing parties at mediations;
•trade mark and patent oppositions and appeals;
• copyright infringement;
•preparation of opinions relating to validity and infringement of intellectual property rights.
I am a contributing author to Lahore et al., Copyright & Designs and to the Validity chapter in Patents in Lahore et al., Patents Trade Marks and Related Rights.
Prior to coming to the Bar, I was a partner in the IP/TP and telco group of (then) Mallesons Stephen Jaques.
Memberships and associations
Amongst other things, I am
- a panellist for the World Intellectual Property Organisation’s Arbitration and Mediation Centre under ICANN’s Uniform Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP);
- a member of the Law Council of Australia‘s Intellectual Property Law Committee;
- a member of IPSANZ, the Copyright Society of Australia and AIPPI.
Senior Fellow, Law School at the University of Melbourne.
Lately, I have been teaching Designs Law & Practice and have previously taught Patents and Copyright law.
Follow me on Twitter.
Posts before 15 August 2008
… were created with different software (now obsolete) on a different site. The original posts can now be found here but the links will probably be broken.
To paraphrase (the original) Maxwell Smart “Sorry about that.”