Does anyone think Google is advertising the sponsored links?
The Full Federal Court in Australia does.
The ACCC has successfully appealed the Google Adwords case for misleading and deceptive conduct.
So, for example, Alpha Dog Trainging has been operating a dogtraining business for 12 years. Dog Training Australia (Ausdog) bought ads on the keywords Alpha Dog Training through Google’s Adwords program. One ad generated was:
Alpha Dog Training All Breeds. We come to you. No dog that can’t be trained.
Instead of being taken through through to Alpha Dog Training’s website, however, a user who clicked on the ad was taken through to Ausdog’s website.
A clear case of misleading or deceptive conduct by Ausdog.
Because of its role in “selecting” which ads got placed in what order, Google has also been found liable.
Prof. King, formerly an ACCC commissioner, highlights why and thinks the Court got it seriously wrong.
Did we just kill the Internet in Australia?
ACCC v Google Inc. [2012] FCAFC 49 (Keane CJ, Jacobson and Lander JJ)
Does anyone think Google is advertising the sponsored links? Read More »