The Senate’s Economics committee has unanimously recommended that the Intellectual Property Laws Amendment (Productivity Commission Response Part 1 and Other Measures) Bill 2018 be passed.
The Committee received submissions only on the proposed reform of the parallel import provision for trade marks – clause 122A – and issues relating to plant breeder’s rights.
The Committee considered no changes were required. In relation to the parallel imports question and the concerns that the defence of “reasonable inquiries” will lead to a pirate’s charter, the Committee said:
The committee notes that key parts of the bill originate from recommendations made by independent reviews, and that the provisions of the bill have been subject to extensive consultation. In particular, the committee commends IP Australia for its thoughtful response to the public consultation on the exposure draft of the bill which ultimately led to provisions of the bill being altered in important aspects.
and went on to find the test in the legislation appropriate.
Perhaps most alarmingly, the Committee started its analysis at paragraph 1.6 by endorsing the key points advanced by the Productivity Commission:
• Australia’s IP arrangements fall short in many ways and improvement is
needed across the spectrum of IP rights.• IP arrangements need to ensure that creators and inventors are rewarded for
their efforts.• Australia’s patent system grants exclusivity too readily, allowing a
proliferation of low-quality patents, frustrating follow-on innovators and
stymieing competition.• Copyright is broader in scope and longer in duration than needed—innovative
firms, universities and schools, and consumers bear the cost.• Timely and cost effective access to copyright content is the best way to reduce
infringement.• Commercial transactions involving IP rights should be subject to competition
law.• While Australia’s enforcement system works relatively well, reform is needed
to improve access, especially for small and medium sized enterprises.• The absence of an overarching objective, policy framework and reform
champion has contributed to Australia losing its way on IP policy.• International commitments substantially constrain Australia’s IP policy
flexibility.• Reform efforts have more often than not succumbed to misinformation and
scare campaigns. Steely resolve will be needed to pursue better balanced IP
As the Committee acknowledged at 1.7, even the Government’s response did not go that far!
Senate Economics Legislation Committee Intellectual Property Laws Amendment
(Productivity Commission Response Part 1 and Other Measures) Bill 2018 [Provisions] June 2018