De-linking intellectual property from exclusive rights
The videocast of the 3rd Annual Francis Gurry Lecture is now available:
De-linking intellectual property from exclusive rights
by James Love, Director, Knowledge Ecology Limited. The blurb says:
The traditional justification for IP rights-atemporary monopoly to stimulate innovation and inverstment-is increasingly being questioned. If knowledge is more valuable when widely shared, and if freedom to use knowledge is socially and economically important, we need to de-link intellectual property protection from exclusive rights. But how?
I personally found the Q & A session helped crystallise what Mr Love was arguing. Very thought-provoking.
Apparently, the written paper will provide more explanation and amplification in due course. In the meantime, you may get an understanding of how Mr Love’s proposals could work in a pharmaceutical context here and here
Lid dip: Andrew Christie
De-linking intellectual property from exclusive rights