8 September 2008

Madrid system and ‘foreign’ trade marks in the USA

So, you’re not a USA-based trade mark owner and you’ve got your “trademark” registered in the US through the Madrid system.  That means you don’t have to worry about all those annoying requirements actually to use the trade mark there, doesn’t it?

Well, no.

Saunders & Silverstein  lay out all the pitfalls that you are going to have to hurdle here.

Lid dip to the Kat with the plummy accent.

Madrid system and ‘foreign’ trade marks in the USA Read More »

Time shifting – remotely

For those who heard my brief summary of Cartoon Network v Cablevision, in which the 2nd Circuit found Cablevision did not infringe copyright in movies and other tv content by adding a “home” taping service for its subscribers, Prof. Raymond Nimmer provides a detailed critique arguing:

This may be among the worst appellate court decisions in copyright law history[!]

here; more favourable review here.

Time shifting – remotely Read More »

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