Confidentiality, unconscionability and contract
Telstra and Optus have an interconnect agreement, in part to regulate how callers originating from one network get delivered to the other, charges and the like.
Optus successfully sued Telstra for misusing Optus’ confidential information under the agreement: information about call traffic between the two networks.
(You should look at that judgment as it illustrates the two-edged nature of many definitions of confidential information.)
In this part of the fight, Edmonds J declined to grant relief under the equitable obligation of confidence as the contractual obligations in question were comprehensive.
His Honour also explored the meaning of the prohibition on unconscionable conduct in s 51AA of the TPA, but declined to find a contravention in that context.
Optus Networks Ltd v Telstra Corporation Ltd (No. 3) [2009] FCA 728
Confidentiality, unconscionability and contract