Electronic discovery
The Bright Spark looks at recent fleshing out of English rules on electronic discovery, bringing English practice closer to US (federal), here.
Electronic discovery Read More »
The Bright Spark looks at recent fleshing out of English rules on electronic discovery, bringing English practice closer to US (federal), here.
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Patentology looks at the problems that arise with serving documents in Opposition proceedings before the Commissioner / Registrar (i.e. IP Australia) (a) electronically and (b) outside business hours.
Obviously (well, not so obviously when you’re used to dealing with the pragmatic approach of the Federal Court), if the material is served outside business hours, it is not served until the next business day, but it may be even more complicated if you are trying to effect service electronically.
All very quaint and so 19th century, but fatal!
The rules are rather different than, for example, the postal rules which apply in a contractual relationship; but it isn’t really a contractual relationship.
Where personal service is not required, the Federal Court Rules (O7 r4 and 4A) permit service by document exchange, facsimile or email, however, they (O7 r7) require that the party on whom service is to be effected to have specified the facsimile number or email address to have been specified in a Notice. O7 r4 and 4A also make provision for the time of service. I suspect, however, that these are deemed times of service which would be displaced if one could prove an earlier time of service.
Electronic filing / service in the Office (IP Australia) Read More »