Selected links from last (couple of) weeks
Here is a selection of links to IP-related matters I found interesting this past week (or two):
- Australian Patent Office Clarifies the ‘Rules of the Game’ for Computer-Implemented Inventions
- while the United States’ Supreme Court Declines to Consider the § 101 Issues of Sequenom v. Ariosa Diagnostics
- How do the rules against making unjustified threats sit with the requirement to engage in genuine steps prior to commencing litigation? Unjustified threat, genuine step, or misleading or deceptive conduct: where is the line?
- The Limited Role of Common Sense in the Obviousness Analysis
- Puns at the ready, in the UK Justice Birss delivers epic CIALIS judgment finding one patent valid and infringed, but the other patent invalid
Trade marks
- Trying to get the colour green registered as a trade mark in Australia: V energy drink and Coca-Cola in legal battle
- In the USA, the FTC Sues 1–800 Contacts For Restricting Competitive Keyword Advertising
- while another Competitive Keyword Advertising Lawsuit Will Go To A Jury: Edible Arrangements v. Provide Commerce
- One ring to fool them all: Australian court orders destruction of fake Tolkien jewellery
Not categorised
- New Scholarship on FRAND and Other Issues at the Intersection of IP and Antitrust
- US Judge Declines to Enforce Uber’s Terms of Servic: Meyer v. Kalanick
I hope you find some interesting. If you did or have a question, leave a comment or send me an email
Selected links from last (couple of) weeks Read More »